The phrase
a perfect storm usually refers to some cataclysmic moment when multiple events simultaneously occur that reshape and change things completely. Don't worry, I'm not using the phrase nearly so dramatically. I simply mean that for most of today, life has been perfect, all because of a storm. It's certainly been a perfectly ordinary and perfectly normal day (laundry, cooking, errands, etc.), but it's also been perfectly homey. You know how there are some sounds that speak of home? To me, the sound of rain (yes, even thunder and lightning!) is one of the most soothing, comforting sounds in creation. Mix that with the gentle tones of my favorite praise songs and the whirring of the washer and tumble of the dryer, and you've just defined home. I'm curious, for those who'd like to comment, what sounds mean
home to you? Crickets chirping, kids laughing...
As for me, I love the sound of an automatic dishwasher. The whir and hummmmmm it makes - that sounds like home to me!
I love to hear my mom play the piano.....
Sitting out on my mom's front porch around dusk. Sometimes, when the wind is blowing just right you can hear a train in the far distance. The tree frogs and other creatures of the night begin to sing their chorus and when I'm lucky, I can here a whip-o-will call out from the woods near by.
Inside the house it would have to be that jiggly thing on top a pressure cooker. My mom never fixed a meal without using it.
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